In case you weren’t aware of it, Zancope Notary has a YouTube Channel with several videos on different topics. We have transcribed some videos for you before. For example, we have a video on what happens to annual property tax when you do a real estate transaction...
Zancope Real Estate Videos
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Zancope Notary YouTube Channel Part 2
In case you weren’t aware of it, Zancope Notary has a YouTube Channel with several videos on different topics. We mentioned it last month. Today, we’ll transcribe two more of the videos on our channel. The first transcript, below, of the video below it, talks about...
Zancope Notary YouTube Channel
In case you weren’t aware of it, Zancope Notary has a YouTube Channel with several videos on different topics. Here is a transcript of the video below on what happens with the annual property tax when you purchase real estate during the tax year. Question: Property...